Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Little kids and big mountains

Today was what we would call in Boston wicked awesome.  It really was truly amazing.

We started off the day visiting and touring a school in one of the townships nearby. When we arrived at the school we were greeted by a huge group of young students.  They were adorable and incredibly friendly.  I made friends with a few of them, in particular one beautiful six year old who was so cute.  We played games and talked about our favorite things.  She even braided my hair.  All the kids were so friendly and are always hugging you even before they now your name.  I had a really fun time and am excited to go back.  I am hoping to join a program that goes there at least once a week where Ill be able to help out, tutor, and hang with these amazing kids.

After we got home, a few of us decided to hike up Lion's Head.  My first hike!  It took us a few hours to go up and down the mountain but it was so worth it.  It was a bit of a work out and some parts of the mountain were slightly scary to climb.  The views on the way were gorgeous, but once we got to the top I don't think anything could compare.  As cheesy as it sounds it felt like you were on top of the world.

My camera died on the way up but lots of people took pictures.  More to come.

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